IDEAL Industria de Enlatados Alimenticios, effectively complies with HACCP; maintaining close controls in the cold chain, technical processes of defrosting, cooking and sterilization; as result we can guaranty products whose consumption life is fixed in five years.


Tuna is caught in the best international fishing grounds with a respectful, dolphin safe fishing operation. We use strict selection of fish size to obtain and preserve optimum taste, texture and color.


As soon after their catch, Sardines are processed and hand-packed to guarantee their freshness. Only natural ingredients are used in our preparations.

Tuna belly

A unique delicacy with rich, complex flavors, tuna bellies are carefully selected from the choicest cuts obtained from a catch at the right season and at their prime body weight and fat grade.


Vacuum packed pre-cooked loins in 7.5kg and frozen pouches.