IDEAL Industria de Enlatados Alimenticios has been producing canned tuna, sardines and other seafood specialties since 1973. Our clients have come to expect the highest quality goods worldwide, surpassing national and international standards.



IDEAL Industria de Enlatados Alimenticios was created in 1973 by Mr. José Agudo and his wife María Teresa Valle, beggining with the production of sardine canned goods and processing fish meal.

The company began to gain the trust of important customers in France, Italy and Spain, which allowed it to effectively position itself in international markets.

Today IDEAL is a leading industry with a sustained history of 40 years, fully recognized in the world.


Our people

Our IDEAL family is conform by a large number of employees, who continuously demonstrate their high productive capabilities. This team is divided into 2 large groups.

The fleet is manned by 104 qualified people, trained in modern fishing operations, in charge of handling and preserving the product in optimum conditions until gets deliver to factory.

The processing plant with 356 workers, distributed among technicians, labor and administrative employees, is responsible for preserving and guaranteeing in each process, “export quality" products that maintains its freshness and all nutrients.


Our fleet

Our purse seine ship ALIZE has a fishing capacity of 550 tons. It carries out fishing operations between 6 and 7 trips per year. It is fully equipped with state-of-the-art technology that guarantees its navigation and cold chain maintenance, which preserves the product in optimal conditions.



IDEAL to give use to the treated waters, created its reforestation program in the 26 hectares of land that has around its industrial complex, which will contribute proportionally to the reduction of the CO2 that is in the environment.

Insertion to the working environment has been made on equal terms to people with different capacities.

It also applies ergonomic concepts in the jobs for its employees.